Jesus: my friend, my beloved is with me in this most amazing thing called life. I breathe, I think, I navigate this life with Jesus at my side. Do I always remember that Jesus is with me every moment of the day? No, I do not always remember.
We are drawn close to God when we allow the light into our spiritual eyes each and every day. What does it mean to “ask God?” It means to invite God to honor His Word; with the hope that He will give us spiritual wisdom and insight–do you think He will refuse? Spending time with our Lord is allowing light into our minds in order to see the path ahead–to know what to do and what to say. He gives us what a good, good, Father knows is so very best for us.
Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? (Mathew 7:9). My Father does not let me down because He has the authority to honor His Word. There is no contest, no dispute, no mistake, no rebuke, at inviting God by asking Him to honor His promise. This is a part of our birthright, our legitimate rebirth into the Kingdom reality, to ask, to invite, to honor our Father for what He promises and what He gave us in His Son, His Word, who is Jesus Christ. The firstborn of the Good News is the fact that we follow the firstborn into our newborn life; in the same “birth.”

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all (Ephesians 4:4-6).
Is the Word of God true? Does God Lie? Certainly not. Let us step into who we are in Christ. I may sit at the feet of my Lord, but I may look Him in the eye fact-to-face as well. In the fact that we are the substance of His body here on earth; we are the substance of the Father of the universe, in convenant with the one who is over all and through all and in all.
Recently, I have found myself talking more to Jesus. I tell him my fears, my frustrations; I process almost everything with my Jesus. I am never alone, nor do I feel defeated or as though I will not find a solution to a dilemma. I do this through journaling, poetry, and music. My relationship is moving into a place of more intimacy and trust, as in “cling to, adhere to,” Jesus. Most of all, I ask Jesus to change my heart, to change my “want” to His will. “Change my heart Oh God, make it ever true, change my heart Oh God, may I be like you.”
There have been different times in my life that I held on to Jesus with all my life–but still–I did not meet Jesus “face to face.” The experience of peace, resolve, miracles, blessing, acceptance and the like were understood, but the intimate part, the face to face relationship with Jesus was a distant as the sun from the moon. This is because I still wanted my agenda, even in the church; my agenda for what I thought the Lord wanted for my life. However, the more desperate I was for Jesus, the more I was propelled into His presence seeking HIS WILL. Jesus is teaching me how to yield my agenda to His perfect plan and purpose. This has given me a tremendous peace that surpasses understanding. His joy is my strength.
Recently, while in prayer with a friend, in my mind’s eye I had a picture of Jesus in three -dimensional form sitting with us. I was looking at Jesus face-to-face, we were communing in a way I now cannot do without. More on this later.
. . . .asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God (Ephesians 1:17).
Change my heart Oh God, make it ever new, change my heart Oh God, may I be like you. Danny Daniels