The Power of Joy

The Power of Joy

In the distant past I often defined joy as a bubbly, happy, giggly, or giddy thing.  However, the power of joy is often without any laughter what-so-ever.  We know that joy is one of of The Fruits of the Spirit–which defines further the love of God. However, although The Fruits of the Spirit seem synonymous with love, I am learning that each fruit represents an aspect of God’s nature, ways, power, and authority. It is the fruit of  joy the Lord sends into my heart in the darkest moments of my life–shinning His brilliant light of truth into every corner of my struggle with the dictates of this world. Nothing can mess with my joy because The Spirit of the Living God, dwells in me.

For several years, I meditate frequently on The Fruits of the Spirit. I began with a meditation I named, “Radiant Love.” With practice, eventually, I recognized the Father’s love and had no more confusion regarding what that looks like. The Father revealed to my opened  heart His will for me to love myself because He first loved me. I did not expect that outcome. As the Father revealed His love while meditating on “Radiant Love,”  I received in faith, the knowledge of who God says that I am: His beloved daughter, princess of the Kingdom, and Bride of Christ. Nothing can separate me from His love: Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38). This is transformation which serves to be life changing as well as life saving Grace.

Grace is not a linear concept–Grace is the substance that brings the seen from the unseen in all aspects of our new born life, as in “saved by Grace.” The Grace of salvation is just the beginning of God’s unmerited favor regarding His loving purpose in my life and The Body of Christ. The Gospel is the Good News of the wonderworking power, ways, nature, and authority of the Living God who is all about teaching us what that looks like as individual and collective human beings in Christ. Grace looks like the Kingdom of Heaven in signs, miracles, and mighty deeds in ordinary lives for those who know the One who imparts His Spirit within.  A living fountain springs from our temple where His Holy Spirit dwells.

The Living Water is Joy

The sense of joy I am speaking about I believe with all my heart, comes because the Holy Spirit living in me imparts the fullness of Jesus.  This joy will not allow me to be broken because it gives me the faith that He can mend anything. I will never give up and I will never give in. The joy of the Lord is His love manifesting in specific ways in all the facets of life with a profound sense of understanding on some level that there is a purpose in suffering and heartbreak. The joy of the Lord causes, “all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).” When people ask Joni Eareckson Tada why God allows suffering, she often says, “God allows what he hates to accomplish what he loves. And what does God love? For people to enter into a relationship with Himself and become more like Him.” Joni’s life and ministry are an amazing testimony of how God can use a tragedy like a paralyzing diving accident to impact the lives of millions.

When I was growing up, I was not safe at home nor in the classroom and especially on the playground at school. My life demanded all of my will to survive and navigate the atmosphere in my dysfunctional home and my lack of self-esteem while becoming the subject of bullying at school. However, the bullying actually initiated my first encounter with Jesus at nine years old; the Spirit of joy overwhelmed me with a sense of hopeful peace and deep tenacious strength. No matter the circumstances in my life, joy sustained me in the darkness. The Lord imparted joy to my being and frankly, I am almost fearless. Yep, I have experienced fear, but not the kind of fear that overwhelmed my joy. My joy comes from the Living Water Jesus spoke about with the woman at the well–The Living water is sustaining joy and overflowing Light.

I believe I received joy before I could believe that anyone loved me, including God

I believe I received joy before I could believe that anyone loved me, including God. As a child I was treated like a detestable creature, seeing  more love and care given to the pet dog. I grew up detesting myself because I partnered with the lie that I was unlovable. Navigating life by people pleasing and becoming a door mat in most relationships caused more self-loathing; the feeling of never being good enough. Again, it was the joy of the Lord that gave me strength to press into finding out who I am in God’s Kingdom. Even in the midst of confusion and no Biblical exposure, I found myself sensing, “the peace that surpasses understanding” more times than I can count.  I particularly remember how the joy of the Lord sustained me when I organized a memorial service for my late husband on my own in far northern Canada. I was not alone; I was caught up in a place that was not of this world–a place of peace, clarity, and direction.

I cannot muster the Joy of the Lord on my own; in summary, the joy of the Lord is resting in His presence. I believe joy is the essence of light. Joy partners with the Holy Spirit within with His kindness, goodness, long suffering, patience, faithfulness, peace, gentleness and love. The light of divine love in my heart agrees with the truth of whom God says that I am. Joy gives me strength, endurance, and it is not revokable under any circumstances.  I am grateful to fully recognize that the joy of the Lord is my strength in overcoming the world.








1 thought on “The Power of Joy”

  1. To my beloved spiritual mentor,
    You have again put into words and clarity what I sometimes merely get a glimpse of and a momentary feeling. Thank you for filling my heart and soul.

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