The Word of Their Testimony

    “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11)

I love to tell others about how the Lord has blessed, comforted, delivered, and manifested in my life in incidental and powerful ways.

I am convicted that sharing the word of our testimony is a way we bring the Good News of The Kingdom to the world in a fresh and living way

He is my savior, husband–He hides my family and me under the shelter of His wings. That is enough for me.  But the Lord has not stopped at that since the day I came to the knowledge of the truth. He has manifested Himself in my life in signs, wonders, and mighty deeds! I am convicted that sharing the word of our testimony is a way we bring the Good News of The Kingdom to the world in a fresh and living way. The word of the believer’s testimony regarding the “signs, wonders, and mighty deeds” in our walk with God is the way we proclaim the work of our Mighty God! I believe with others I am sure, that the more we experience the power of God in our lives, it initiates more boldness to bring the Good News of the Kingdom to others through the “word” of our testimony.

The Lord offers an abundant life in relationship with God—to enter into the Holy of Holies. The Lord designs the human experience in the Kingdom to embrace signs, wonders, and mighty deeds because He loves us and wishes to manifest Himself in our lives on a grand scale right here and now—therefore overcoming the enemy and the finite mind. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11). “They loved not their lives unto death.” Why? They know something the world does not know beyond a shadow of a doubt. That power just happens to be the actions of the God who created the universe. Goodness, if this is happening on earth, what will Heaven be like? 

The word of our testimony has the power to overcome the enemy and ultimately his operation in the world because it transcends “world thinking.”

The word of our testimony has the power to overcome the enemy and ultimately his operation in the world because it transcends “world thinking.”  The Old Testament illustrates the signs, wonders, and mighty deeds that God performed in the lives of God’s people–while they are doing all the things that people do. While we as believers are doing all the things people do, God blesses our endeavors, forgives our sins, and delivers us from addictive and dysfunctional behaviors. This is the good news–this is what a Savior does. Instead of talking about the weather or what is wrong with the picture, we have a living God to talk about!  We need to tell the world–to proclaim the Kingdom of God operating on earth today. We need to tell each other in the Body of Christ our testimony on how God blesses, forgives, and delivers increasing  our faith in a living God.

Signs, wonders, and mighty deeds are “relational principles”

Signs, wonders, and mighty deeds are “relational principles” in terms of God’s children and Himself: the signs between God and His people, the wonders between God and His people, and the mighty deeds between God and His people or just people in general doing mighty deeds for others while living their lives. Come to think of it, the Commandments are all about relationships between God and God’s people. It boils down to this. Love God. Don’t do this or that in your relationships with others. Jesus boils it down even further—“Love your neighbor as yourself.” How relational based can it get. It’s all about the people. The world is not relational. The world is fundamentally selfish, greedy, apathetic, narcissistic, hostile, controlling, and often abusive in terms of relationships. As Believers we have the opportunity to overcome this world by our testimony of a relational God who is all about forgiving, restoring, reconciling, and blessing relationships in every aspect of our lives while it unfolds.

We know that our purpose on this earth as believers is to glorify God. This is how we do it. We Praise Him for all His goodness towards us. “I will rejoice over them to do them good and will faithfully plant them in this land with all My heart and with all My soul” (Jeremiah 32:41). “The land” is the Kingdom of God–it is the Promised Land today for the believer to live in the abundant life God planed for us from the foundation of the world through Jesus Christ. Through the word of our testimony we declare His goodness with all our heart and soul to the world. “I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders” (Psalm 9:1).

In Jewish tradition I have come to recognize much of the symbolism that lines up with the Word in terms of what the feasts and holidays of Israel mean to the believer. TU B’Shvat (טו בשבט) is a Jewish holiday most people who live outside of Israel do not hear about very often. The holiday has to do with counting, acknowledging and multiplying God’s blessings in the Promised Land. Two powerful Jewish traditions connect us to God. First – to taste various fruits of the trees that grow in the Land of Israel and second – to plant new trees. This symbolizes to me sharing the fruit of a Kingdom life with an unbeliever who will become a new tree producing fruit in the Kingdom to Glorify God.

In Hebrew, Shevat (שבט) is one of the twelve Jewish months and TU (טו) are two letters “Tat” and “Vav” that stand for the number 15. (The Hebrew language does not have numbers. Instead, they use letters for numbering.) So the name of this holiday is really its date within the Jewish calendar – the 15th Day of the Shevat.

The word of our testimony will always bring glory to God. Sharing the word of our testimony with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and illustrating God’s love and compassion, “random acts of kindness,” and living a Kingdom Life each and every day is how we “overcome him.” The enemy does not want the world to find out about the Kingdom of God and will do anything to stop it—we know that. Then let’s do the thing the enemy hates the most of all. Share the word of our testimony with the Gospel of Jesus Christ so everyone can find out what the secret to living in the Shalom of Kingdom life really is–to live in God’s “Promised Land.”




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