Divinity in Christ

Divinity in Christ is found in 2 Peter 1:4–by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

Divinity in Christ embraces the nature, ways, power, and authority of G-d. Within the divinity of G-d are these promises: our faith (1 Peter 2:7; 2 Peter 1:1,) The Blood of Christ (1 Peter 1:19,) our inheritance in the Kingdom of Heaven (1 Peter 1:3–5,) and the return of Christ (1 Peter 1:9, 13.) When we partake of the divinity of G-d, we recognize that we are no longer subject to the fall. This does not negate our sufferings, trials, and tribulations but it does offer the raft of His divine nature for us to ride upon through every storm.

The promises of God enable us to partner with God’s divine nature.

Note: “Participate” translates out to mean partnership. “Participate” in 1 Peter 4:13 and “share” in 1 Peter 5:1 are from the same word koinonoi (“partners” or “sharers.”) We are new creatures in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17.)

In Christ, our nature is now divine because we are partners with Jesus; we are in Him and He in us, He is the vine, we are the branches, He is the head, we are the body; we are divine creatures in Christ. We have become “new creations,” possessing victory over sin and sinful desire. We are now Saints in a Royal Priesthood. Our mandate is to be like Jesus, transformed into His likeness. Because we are “partakers” of God’s nature, we enter into the Kingdom of an eternal realm of blessings, signs, wonders, and mighty deeds. This is what Divinity in Christ is all about–reconciled to God means we are now living by the Spirit of God who is the keeper of our lives for His good purpose.

The Nature of God: He is all powerful, all knowing, all creating, and good. He is the essence of love and compassion. Through Jesus , we have the nature of God. We are being transformed into the nature of God as we read the Word and live by the Spirit. We are divine in walking out the fruits of the Spirit. Against such, there is not law–we are divine, not perfected, and yet our divinity is irrevocable.

The Ways of God: His ways are not our ways. By His Spirit He guides and teaches us in this life–His ways. We are being transformed into the mind of Christ whom understands the ways of God

The Power of God: The power if God is the manifestation of the impossible and the natural laws showing up in bringing miracles, signs, wonders, and mighty deeds into our lives. We can expect the power of G-d to enter every situation we face. We are being transformed by the power of God working in our finite bodies-because the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us. Divinity in Christ means: “The same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us.”

The authority of God: The authority of God was given to us when we became followers of Jesus. The authority of God is over all principalities and powers of darkness including disease, poverty, addiction, selfishness, sin of the desires of the flesh, envy, strife, greed, or any other evil. The authority of God is over the evil one and all his works of iniquity or death. Divinity in Christ allows us to walk in the authority over the evil one in our lives through Jesus.

Let us embrace who we are in Christ. We are divine beings if we share in His divinity. Let us understand that it is honoring to the one who died for this to come to us in the earth; we who are in the world but not of it.
I am divine. I am holy and set apart to do His perfect will. I am divine and my life is not lived in vain. I am divine and I trust in the one who is higher than I–the divine God of all infinite creation. I am divine and therefore I can embrace all the supernatural attributes of God as my own birthright and inheritance for the sole purpose of seeing His glory and celebrating. I am divine because the Word does not lie–that means every promise, prayer, blessing, and Word from the mouth of God belongs in my life because He says I am worthy to receive it by His precious blood shed for me at the cross, His broken body that did not see decay, His purpose from the foundation of the world is for me to be like Christ: divine (John 17).

In this hour, let us embrace the fact that nothing in all creation can separate us from the Love of God. Let us put on the full armor of our divinity in Christ–The helmet of salvation–Jesus, The breast-plate or righteousness-Jesus, girding our loins with truth–Jesus is the Truth–covering our feet with the Gospel of Peace–Jesus is the Good News, taking up the sword of the spirit–Jesus is the Word–sing the Word–holding the shield of faith–our faith is in Jesus in whom we trust as the author and finisher of it–He finished this-so that we could share in His divinity–we are in fact divine creations and all of us Saints of the divine were meant for such a day as this.

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