We are entwined with The Tree of Life
Entwined with the Lord: Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you! Psalm 27:14
Bathed in His love entwined
The grand news is that the real deal is found in The Tree of Life! The Way, The Truth, and The Life is The Tree of Life, His name is Jesus Christ. Because God created us with purpose, it is our desire to make a difference in the earth. God wove us together with each beautiful thread of our unique design bathed in His love entwined in our Mother’s womb. His special mandate of purpose is: “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” entwined with us. His Light entwined with us is His glory and our exciting birthright.
I pray with great faith for you, because I’m fully convinced that the One who began this gracious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus Christ! (Philippians 1:6)
To be entwined with the Lord is a Hebrew translation meaning, “to wait upon the Lord.”
But those who wait for Yahweh’s grace
will experience divine strength.
They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles,
run their race without growing weary,
and walk through life without giving up.
When we wait upon the Lord, He will never fail or forsake us.
When we wait upon the Lord, He will never fail or forsake us. Waiting on the Lord is the essence of following Jesus now and forever. He placed the threads in the beauty of our lives with all of our story, gifting, personality, with all the victories and the heartbreak from the foundation of the earth. Why? To show His Glory in the earth, expanding the Kingdom entwined with Him, through Him; with me. This is what it means to die to self–the more I get in touch with the fact that I died in Christ the more His beautiful tapestry, the design of His making for my life is woven with the golden threads of His presence. Any issue is not the real issue. The real issue is becoming like Jesus.
The grave cloths of the old nature are diSINtegrating
Entwined, He weaves our purpose as we wait upon Him to call forth “His plans for a future and a hope.” The Light entwined is our exciting birthright with the Lord and we are the woof and warp of His plan. The fabric of our being is transforming; entwined, as we lose more of the frayed old threads of self. The grave cloths of the old nature are diSINtegrating as we step into our new life in Christ as He weaves the golden threads of His nature, ways, power, and authority in us along with His purpose for our lives.

To be entwined with the Lord is a Hebrew translation meaning, “to wait upon the Lord.” As we wait upon the Lord “entwined with Him” what does that image bring to mind? For me, It means letting go of my agenda and waiting for Shalom, the optimum condition for life to unfold. It is a picture of the trilogy in Psalms 22-24: Psalm 22 refers to our Jesus as He suffered on the cross entwined with His death so that we can drink the Living Water at the Fountain of Life now and forever, Psalm 23 refers to our Good Shepherd entwined with us through the shadows of life gently guiding us with His staff, and Psalm 24 is a picture of the sovereign King of Kings in whom we serve, in whom we have been raised to life with for all eternity entwined with His nature, ways, power, and authority. The Light entwined is our exciting birthright.

“Death to self” means more of His golden threads entwined
This is one scripture of many that sums up the meaning of “death to self” found in Romans 5.
10 So if while we were still enemies, God fully reconciled us to himself through the death of his Son, then something greater than friendship is ours. Now that we are at peace with God, and because we share in his resurrection life, how much more we will be rescued from sin’s dominion!
We share in his resurrection life, how much more we will be rescued from sin’s dominion!
Since sin is death, since law is death, what this means is that the “something greater” is mercy and grace: new life. We now share in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. HE IS ALIVE! He is always weaving our story together, “the author and finisher of our faith. The lure and conditioning of the world that births sin, is now consumed by the baptism of fire that has made us family with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Entwined with the Lord we share in His resurrection
Reconciliation can singularly occur when we fully embrace the fact that Jesus took on the repercussions our sin, He became sin and died once and for all for the sin nature of self for all peoples past, present, and future. Entwined with the Lord we share in His resurrection which means because of grace, we sit with the King in the Kingdom of Heaven. He continues to weave the design of our New life on a clean loom, taking the threads of the past and weaving them in.

Doing the Father’s will was the main theme of Jesus
Doing the Father’s will was the main theme of Jesus when He came as God in human flesh and blood, departing from the realm of Spirit for us. The Father’s will is for our tapestry of purpose to impact the world. Each separate thread is entwined with destiny; He chooses the colors of my experiences as I allow Him to be the Master weaver. The Word says that He is my Shepherd–I see the Lord carrying me as a helpless little lamb entwined over His shoulder. He will put me down in green pasture every time; He will lead me beside the still waters to drink the Living Waters of knowing.
How would I know what colors to put where or together?
My complete and total trust is in His perfect will. The Light Entwined is Our Exciting BirthrightWho am I to dream that I could possibly know the pattern the Lord is weaving? How would I know what colors to put where or together? When I read over and over in the Psalms to trust the Lord, and sometimes when He does not answer, is He busy weaving my story again?
The Light Entwined is Our Exciting Birthright
Oh, Lord God, answer my prayers!
I need to see your tender kindness, your grace,
your compassion, and your constant love.
Just let me see your face, and turn your heart toward me.
Come running quickly to your servant.
In this deep distress, come and answer my prayer.
18 Come closer as a friend and redeem me.
Set me free so my enemies cannot say that you are powerless.

The first time the word “wait” appears in the Bible is:
Genesis 1:9-10
And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered [wait: qia’wu]together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. God called the dry land earth, and the gathering [collection: u’le’mikveh] of the waters He called seas; and God saw that it was good.
“In verse 9 the waters followed God’s command and they waited together. Most translations use the word gathered, but the word is waited. The idea was they waited for God’s plan to go into action. In verse 10 most translations stick with “gathered”, which is a better rendering of the meaning of this completely different Hebrew word. This particular word comes from the root word mikveh,and it means a collection or hopeful gathering.
So the waters waited together in one place and God called the collection of water “seas”. What were the waters waiting for? In verse 20 God said, “‘Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures‘” (https://hebrewwordlessons.com/2019/05/19/qavah-what-are-you-waiting-for/).
The Light entwined is our exciting birthright. This waiting in the beginning was synthesizing following scriptures regarding waiting on the Lord. When we are entwined with the Lord, in a stance of waiting, He is gathering the purpose of our lives together. It is up to Him–when, where, and how. Our “fast-food” mindset doesn’t work in God’s perfect timing. When He is gathering the waters together, He is about preparing us for His purpose. Waiting on the Lord comes in many shapes and sizes, unique in design for each one of His Saints, weaving our story entwined with Jesus Christ, the Father, and Holy Spirit.