Blessed are the Bell Ringers

.Blessed are the Bell Ringers

Do you ever feel chained to a system rather than a freedom to be who you are created to be—like few have taken notice of who you are on the inside? Have you spent your life trying to be who people expect you to be rather than shinning the light of your original soul? Jesus is all about diversity–you can see it in the snowflake. Each snowflake is unique and so are you. Systems seek conformity. Jesus promotes freedom and the expression of each individual soul to manifest their purpose and calling on this earth so “His Kingdom will come.” Bottom up faith vs top down religion is what I am taking about. Blessed are the bell ringers.

Jesus came to offer salvation and LIFE; a new life of freedom, abundance, harmony, creativity, and solutions to every dilemma, a way through any obstacle, and the opportunity to be everything God created us to be, especially in the midst of adversity and fear. However, often, instead of the Holy Spirit leading us, we are rotting in pews with a hierarchy of leadership still in charge while the rest of us remain under a system rather than an inspiration, purpose, and collective relationship with Jesus. The good news is through a relationship with Jesus Christ we have the opportunity to contribute to creating a better world by returning to God’s original vision. Blessed are the bell ringers.

Our free gift to live a beautiful life of salvation means we are no longer chained. Jesus delivers, rescues, saves, and brings welfare out of our sin and darkness!  The leaders in the Dark Ages controlled the people by keeping them down, by imposing fear upon them and chained to an institution. People were inundated to believe they would never make it to heaven unless as sinners they followed all the rules, regulations, and religious systems. This kind of control has not departed from many churches. Where is the Gospel of Peace found in the institution of control and leadership instilling guilt and fear? The Gospel of Peace brings freedom to the captives.  It is my hope that the religious institution will return to what is the Lord’s will; the will of God in terms of imparting acceptance instead of condemnation and equality instead of the social hierarchy so that we can work together to accomplish a fruitful and productive life impacting and changing the spiritual landscape of the world. Blessed are the bell ringers.

Remember the story in Mathew 20 that declares that the wages received by all would be equal–even when others joined later? This idea actually reflects that the Jew was the first to receive the truth and then the Gentile. When are we going to come to the place that we embrace the gifting and callings in each other and seek to draw it out of one another? And in so doing encourage one another in whom God created us to be! Perhaps the reason Jesus gave us this commandment ( love one another) was to regard our brothers and sisters as valuable contributors to making a better world. Everyone is precious to God–saved or unsaved. 

The word says: “Arise shine for the light has come.” I wish to arise from my circumstances and watch God do the impossible through me to shine the light in the darkness as a member of the Body of Christ representing the Kingdom on this earth in a collective capacity.  Rejoice, We are created to participate in contributing to a better world just in the fact that we were born. The fact that God created us is validation enough that He loved us from past eternity. We have a purpose, a calling, a beautiful and full life of deliverance, healing, and contributing to making a better world no matter where we are on the path of working out our salvation. Blessed

Rejoice! The Holy Spirit is in charge!  According to the Word, He wishes to move through the Body of Christ in the anointing each and everyone is called to bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth to “proclaim freedom to the captives.” God is a God of action. I would like to pray that He is moving us out of the pews to serve the living God, to equip to Body of Christ, to operate and grow on our way to illustrate our “sainthood” as the Bride of Christ. When we come together in the pews, let it be a time of worship and praise for what God is doing in the earth through His body in one mind and one accord. Blessed are the bell ringers.

Sometimes we hide our humanity, (by pretending nothing is dysfunctional in our lives; like we have it all together so people will think we are spiritual) remain blinded to religious tradition that does not line up with the Word, or compete with other Christians. I do not want to be chained to seeking validation from man especially in the Body of Christ by competing with other believers for some false brand of spiritual status. Much of the spiritual landscape of the religious system seems to reflect a narcissistic spirit of self rather than the spirit of love. The Word says, Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:18). How often do we practice this? I love to respond to my brothers and sisters and validate their joy or stand with them in their pain. I wish to hear their story because it valid, important, and a beautiful testimony of who they are in Jesus Christ. Blessed are they…

Christ rebuked the Pharisees for following their traditions, which Christ called “the traditions of men,” traditions which contradicted the Bible: He answered and said to them, Well has Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.’ However, in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things you do. And he said to them, Full well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition. (Mark 7:6-9).

Paul praised the Corinthians for following the traditions they received, regarding “The Way.” Paul passed on to followers of Christ the fullness of the Word of God in terms of what that means for the New Church. (1 Corinthians 11:1-2, 2 Thessalonians 2:15, 3:6.) What this means is Paul was an expert in the Old Testament and understood by the leading of the Holy Spirit how to embrace the truth of Jesus Christ in a “new and living way.” We have traditions in the “religions” now in many churches today. Are all of these religions based on the Word of God? Thank God for grace because God sees His bride. Blessed are the bell ringers.

By being who each one is created to be–this is how a “renaissance” is birthed. God intended a “renaissance” in the Garden by Adam and Eve multiplying beyond the borders to create a world working together with God’s vision and the unique creativity and abilities each person is gifted with to manifest the Kingdom on earth. The Gospel of Peace declares a renaissance of new life, purpose, creative solutions, and divine love. Everyone needs acceptance and love; rather than hierarchies and judgment when people see the Body of Christ illustrate love, acceptance, and a contribution in making a better world for everyone–the world will change. Blessed are the bell ringers.

Many believe a new day is dawning in the Body of Christ–we are returning to our roots in the apostles and prophets who acted rather than allowed their gifts to rot while becoming lukewarm and full of self-glorification. They illustrated grace and the fire of God. I wish to pray that we Glorify the one who gave us Himself so we could be who we are created to be in order to fulfill God’s wonderful plan–to see the Kingdom drive out the darkness and make a better world. I do not believe we should dwell in the idea that Jesus is coming back so that He can change things–I believe we need to get on board with the idea that “He created all things and in Him all things consist” in His divine plan.  Jesus is coming back to complete things–He did not ask us to be little Jesus robots invading the earth with our best thinking in terms of how we think the Kingdom should look on the earth. I believe we need to be ambassadors following our King in all avenues of our callings within our sphere of influence. Jesus is our Rabbi, perhaps we should allow the King to rule and be available to make a difference with the heart to love the unlovely and show a more excellent way in our actions outside a church building–beholding the beauty of what already exists, and the opportunity to work with and from what we already have. The real change comes while being led by the Spirit to accomplish His will–“Thy Kingdom Come, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Blessed are the bell ringers.

Come, Lord Jesus. May the world see the brilliance and love of God and desire the same gift of what we have and come to the knowledge of the truth. Blessed are the bell ringers.


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