Kingdom Expanses

Kingdom expanses are about love:

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace,expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:6-9


Kingdom expanses are about freedom. If we are so loved that our Father united us into the very life of Christ, “why do we often pray like a widow instead of a beloved bride” (Graham Cooke)  who embraces her lover with absolute trust? Trusting my own wisdom has not been wise. If God so loves us, and has taken us with into the heavenly realms of the Kingdom of Heaven, why do we continue to limit the expanses of our destiny? Freedom in Christ is the length, the depth, the width and the expanses of eternal salvation. Salvation is freedom from the dictates of the natural world now and forever. We are his workmanship destined to live His pleasure in bringing all of His will, plans, purpose into our experience here on Earth.

Kingdom expanses are about the supernatural. The difference between the natural and the supernatural is simple. The natural world is under the rule of the evil one. In Christ we are under the rule of the King in the supernatural; the Kingdom of Heaven is the realm of possibility. Looking into their eyes, Jesus replied, “Humanly speaking, no one, because no one can save himself. But what seems impossible to you is never impossible to God!” Mathew 19:36 What this means is that salvation is only the starting point of a supernatural life. It is the will of the Father to bring His plan for our lives to fruition by owning what Jesus did for us on the cross. By owning what Jesus did on the cross through initiating grace–The Kingdom of Heaven is our abode with Jesus, our King. We can do nothing by ourselves. The devil wants you to believe that you are not worthy of living passionately in abundant joy.

His love broke open the way,
   and he brought me into a beautiful, broad place.
    He rescued me—because his delight is in me!
Psalm 18:19

Kingdom latitude is the broad place

Kingdom expanses are the broad place the King calls you into a purposeful life that blesses you and everyone in your path. When we make our requests know to God in the midst of trail and challenges, this is the opportunity to see the miraculous in our lives. The broad places spring from our passions and are in essence springing from the fountain of Living Waters in our spirit. Our passions are birthed from His blueprint for us from the beginning. The broad places are without limitation or parameters on our heart’s desire coming to pass by His working in and through us. We are the ones limiting the possibilities established for His good pleasure; the Father wants to celebrate the fullness of whom he made us to be as we glory in joy in His accomplishments while living out our time here on earth.

Kingdom expanses are allowing, accepting, embracing, receiving in all gratitude your life as a reflection of His divinity in expanding His Kingdom from the starting point of salvation into the realms of eternity. There is only one you. You are mandated from heaven to live fully in Kingdom latitude, resting in His willingness to cause the ultimate glory in your heart for what He is accomplishing: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Do you not know that God want this even more than we do? He has a plan. Instead of asking God for this or for that, I am learning to join God in His will in that situation or decision. What the Lord promises is the truth–the true reality. Our minds and hearts are conditioned by the world. This is why partnering with His intercession is a paradigm shift from believing we can navigate this life on our terms with even our best thinking.

Yes, an opportunity to allow God to move you into the Fruits of the Spirit

The Lord gives us challenges to refine our trust in Him. Every tribulation, trail, shortcoming, and sin is an opportunity. Yes, an opportunity to allow God to move you into the Fruits of the Spirit. There are Fruits of His Spirit for every single negative circumstance we face–sometimes on a moment to moment basis. Letting go and allowing God to move initiates the peace that surpasses understanding every time. When God asks us to “pray for our enemies” why do you think that is? So we can be free of vexation or fear. When God asks us to forgive, is He asking for the impossible? God does not condone wrong doing or abuse. Do you believe that unforgiveness filters the light out? Of course you do–you know how you felt when you were dead in your trespasses and sins. Hey, He know the remedy for the unforgivable–forgiveness is where we started our journey. He asks us to forgive because He knows it will free us from a darkness that smokes out everything good in our lives.

It takes practice to allow the new person to emerge in Christ. It takes patience to align our will with His gentle Spirit. If we do not partner with God through the Word, prayer, and repentance, how can we expect to move out of the dictates of this world into the supernatural possibilities beyond our reason, surpassing our personal agendas? Join with Him in everything. He knows the way because He walked there first–follow Him–we are His sheep and we know His voice. “Be still and know that I am God.” The Hebrew meaning of “be still in” Psalm 46 means to “cause yourself to let go, let yourselves become weak.” Be still beloved and know that the King of the Universe is in control–it is His responsibility to see to it that His will is done on the earth which belongs to Him. Kingdom expanses hangs in the balance of infinity and infinite possibilities, “infinite life y’all cause you is saved.”


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