In your loving Kindness

Let me be kind dear Lord
Let me see others as you do
Like a baby learning to walk
I often stumble.
With gestures and small talk
I sometimes miss the meaning
Of the hours, days, nights, and years
Of the depth or source of another’s tears.

Let me be kind dear Lord
Seeing into the story of another
Let me take the log out of my own eye
And with it build a bridge
To my sister and to my brother
Joining the expanse
Ablating all dividing lines of hate.

Let me be kind dear Lord
To people I have never met in my life
So that I may shine a brilliant small light
In a smile, a nod, or a thank you
Seeing each one a precious jewel
A facet of your heart
So precious, fearfully fashioned in the womb, your finest art.

Let me be kind dear Lord
Let me embrace difference
In earth’s small spaces
May I add a score, a note, an aria
To the Billions and billions of voices
To the promise of Abraham’s stars in song
While All of Heaven rejoices.

Remembering your Cross of total sympathy
May I walk this life in empathy
My eyes on heaven and not on time,
Coloring outside of all the judging, selfish, me, myself and mine lines,
May I be faithful and true
Respecting, celebrating, and loving your divine

May I be kind like you.