Radiant Love

Radiant Love

Radiant Love

I am Radiant Love.

I look into your eyes and see a reflection of my heart.

I see you.

I wish to love you as I love myself.

I wish to embrace the person God created you to be–to see who you really are in God’s eyes.

This is the way of peace.

This is the way of life.

This is the way of understanding.

This is the way of knowledge.

This is the way of might.

This is the way of council.

This is the way of the Lord.

This is the way of the fear (awe) of the Lord.

This is the way of wisdom.

The way of love is the way of the Spirit.

The Way, the Truth, and The Life is following Him.

God is Love.

God is light.

Against such there is no law: Galatians: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

There is no fear in peace.

There is no envy in peace.

There is no strife in peace.

There is no slander in peace.

There is no malice in peace.

There is no anger in peace.

There is no hate in peace.

There is no me in love.

It is all about you.

In this exchange, there is reflected back more love–

I receive your love coming back to me–love cannot be bought or traded.

Love is the ultimate gift, the ambrosia of life.

When we walk in love, we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Love melts me.

Peace, peace that surpasses understanding embraces the glory every moment of the day.

Dreams of golden rivers come in the night.

Jesus blankets me in love, I cannot fear, I just am free.

Love is life, it is the filler of the empty, the stillness on the water, the gentle snow falling.

Love is the bread of life–the drink of living waters-the Oneness.

Love is Peace.

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