Communion is nothing more and nothing less than relationship with The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and other believers. God adopted me into the family of Heaven to live in partnership an “extravagant,” abundant, and whole-loving life. True Communion has to do with New Life in the New Man in placement with the Father of the Universe while I am living in this world. My sojourn in this life offers me the opportunity to “upgrade” my image in Christ by partnering with Him through all the challenges because He knows The Way—my standard is in the outcome; my placement in VICTORY and resolve, on exchanging my dead man habits for Kingdom language and Yay—Hellish experiences just graces me more of Heavenly identify. The issue is not the issue in futility; I rest in His infinite wisdom, grace, love—He is my shield and high tower; I am a citizen of Zion from where I worship the glory of my God. It is all about getting to know Him:
From Glory to Glory
Religion imparts performance; Communion with Christ is my placement in The Kingdom and embraces relationship with the Living God by the spirit within my being as well as His Body of Saints. My placement in Christ gives me permission for infinite possibilities, wonder, beauty, with validation, love, and acceptance, revelation for my life and the lives of others. I am propelled by Grace into the discovery and application of whom I am in Christ and who He is in my unique person. It is the desire of my heart to see Communion with Jesus and with the unique person in each member of the Body of Christ as we come into unity in the same spirit that raised Christ from the grave; to be a Family of believers in the earth as Kingdom dwellers.
Meditating on what the Bible really says while weeding out shame-based religion, I live rebirth in exponential joy. What rebirth really means is that I no longer address, respond to, or fellowship with the corpse of my dead man (woman.) His sacrifice and resurrection graces freedom from the bondages of negativity and the atmospheres of futility in the earth. In refusing to partner with the enemy regarding the dictates of the world and the dead language of self, I remain in my placement in His Kingdom of grace, beauty, majesty, peace and infinite wisdom; How-to live-in relationship with God. My starting place is: The gift of everything that Jesus is within me by the Spirit. It is up to me to partner with Christ to discover what that really looks like. It’s up to me to practice telling the dead self to “stand down” and declare who God says that I am. It is my sincere expectation that He will complete the work He began in me–it’s all about relationship. Did not Jesus die for me in agony on the cross purchase this place of rest? Living from the old man/ woman is illegal and dishonoring for me–to do so would deny what the Lord suffered on my behalf.
Communion in church is often debated on how it should be “performed” and by whom it is to be administered in terms of a patriarchal hierarchy of “authority.” Religion has reduced the precious Blood and Body of Jesus Christ, The King of Kings, The Name Above all Names into a “libation.” Rather than a relationship, a relationship in placement in Christ and the Body of Christ, religion argues how and when wine and bread should or should not be ingested in little cups and crackers. Communion is not a “libation,” it is about Jesus; our new life is circulating in His bloodstream and Body in unity, oneness with Him as well as each other in “the same spirit” that raised Christ from the dead.
Communion as in The Last Supper, regarding His Body and His Precious Blood, is about “ingesting” The Way, The Truth, and The Life into my very being; the nourishing discovery of who He is in me, who I am in Him, and who I am in the Body of Christ. Jesus meant for my “remembrance of Him” to embrace partnership with Him in all things, reconciled life in discovering the magnitude, height, depth, spaces, and realms in a choreographed reality now and forever. Therefore, Jesus said He is the head of the Body and that believers are members of His Body in the earth as representatives of the Kingdom. It is my joy to experience the impartation of His spirit through fellowship with the believers who are created to hear and see differently than I.
Each saved soul is a precious eternally purposed son and daughter of the living God. This is a sacred reality. Jesus tells me that I am whole in my placement in Him; I received the gift of Grace into all that Jesus is the moment of my salvation. If God lives in me, how can I lack any good thing? How can I be anything else but loved, loved, loved? How can my Father withhold my purpose in the earth when He in fact created the blueprint of eternity and wishes to celebrate my calling more than I? If Christ in me is what the Father sees, why would He love me any less than His only begotten son sacrificed for my eternal gift of inheritance as a daughter of the Living God?
What about the washing of feet in terms of what He asked us to do at the Last Super? When I wash the feet of His sons and daughters am I not celebrating who Christ is in them and the beauty and treasures He is igniting in their souls? Also, if Christ is in them, am I not washing the feet of Christ as well? Why is it called the Last Super? Perhaps because this is The How-To live In Communion with Him and each other until the Marriage Super of the Lamb. Why isn’t Jesus going to drink of the fruit of the vine until the Marriage Super of the Lamb? Perhaps because until we who hear His voice in the Wilderness and follow, are united in the Vine of His perfect Holiness. Perhaps He is fasting for our complete unity and wholeness in Him; so that we who are reborn become the spotless Bride.
The issue is becoming like Christ, I cannot do this on my own. His ways are not my ways, so why follow the thinking of a corpse and partner with the devil to keep me from owning who I am in Christ? I am whole because He lives! The issue is not the issue in terms of trials, tribulations, rejection, loss, grief, hate, trauma, and dictates of futility. Jesus is the Way through–He is the gate into allowing theses things to be an opportunity to discover more of His Grace and favor. The true issue is this: I am navigating transformation for the purpose of illuminating Glory with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit operating from the Mind of Christ: I am His Beloved, I am a chosen generation, I am a Royal Priest, I am a Saint, I am kindness, love, joy, goodness, patience, faithfulness, self-controlled, peace, and I can do all things through Christ. I am whole right now–it takes practice to use my free will to partner with every good and perfect thing in my placement in Jesus:
In rebirth I share in the divinity of Christ, the Hope of His Glory manifesting. Instead of my best thinking, entitlements, rights, wrongs, past, mistakes, failures, shortcoming etc. on the forefront of who I think I am; I am who He says that I am! In every aspect of my new life, His sacrificed Body and His precious Blood engrafts me into my true identify. I am The New Creature birthed in my spirit when I first believed, now under His grace and favor as well as all His promises and permission to live a Kingdom supernatural life. This is not a linear place—it’s facetted on many shining sides, and I am learning how to reflect the beauty of The Lord in Communion with Him and The Saints.
This Living ever New is sustained on His essence, the DNA of His Love; the Life He gave for me is His mandate of Purposeful Love while expanding the Kingdom and The Body of Christ. I do not have to be more for God. In terms of loving me more or less because of my performance, His Love is a given continuum. I am not required to change, I am placed in the nature, ways, power, and authority of the King; all I need to do is allow the Lord to reveal the truth in every moment of my life: “Jesus, who are you in me in this situation?” I am placed in the Kingdom to live “outrageously” my true blueprinted LIFE crafted at the foundation of the Universe. His resurrection and igniting power are guiding and celebrating my life moment by adoring moment. I am His favored one and so are you.